A Conversation (2)

Here is a conversation with an imaginary friend which is a compilation of discussions I’ve had with people over the years… (part 2)
Friend: Do you believe that salvation is by faith?
Me: Yes, we are saved when we have true faith (Jn 3:15-17; Ac 16:31)
Friend: Why did you say, “true faith”?
Me: There are a lot of misconceptions about faith. James 2:19 warns that “Even the demons believe…” So, not all belief saves.
Friend: I didn’t know demons believe. What’s going on with that?
Me: Demons accepted who Jesus really was and even confessed Him sometimes (Lk 4:41; Mt 8:28-30). James says they believe there is one God (Ja 2:19), but they didn’t act on their faith – it didn’t bring repentance and obedience. So, James says to us, “…faith without works is dead” (Ja 2:20).
Friend: Are you saying that faith includes repentance and obedience?
Me: Sort of. Although faith, repentance, and obedience can be looked at separately (they aren’t the same things), they are inseparable for salvation. Faith is only saving if it motivates or includes repentance and obedience. Otherwise, faith is “dead.” And, if you remove faith, repentance and obedience are ineffective (they aren’t really repentance and obedience). So, they all work together.
Friend: But why do the Scriptures sometimes just say we are to believe or we are saved by faith?
Me: Sometimes repentance and obedience are mentioned, sometimes they aren’t. Sometimes repentance and obedience are mentioned and faith isn’t (see Ac 2:38). First, sometimes faith or repentance or obedience are mentioned alone because that is where the person is at – they are at the point where they need to hear and do that thing (so only it is mentioned). Second, sometimes faith (belief) is only mentioned because it is the foundation motivation for all the other things we need to do. As Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” – because without faith either we won’t act to serve God or all actions will be empty acts of trying to please God with works (which is impossible – Ep 2:8:10).
Friend: I know we’re not saved by works, but through grace. Isn’t obedience really works salvation?
Me: Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God” and then in 2:10, “For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” So, grace, faith, and works all go together – they don’t contradict at all. So, let’s talk more about this next time…