How To Teach So Nobody Will be Converted

Reverse the principles from First Thessalonians and you’ll see teaching that converts no one…
- Be unwilling to suffer. Refuse to put yourself out or risk anything for Christ (2:1-2)
- Be timid (2:2)
- Use tricks and deceit (2:3)
- Please men. Make popularity more important than pleasing God (2:4)
- Flatter men. Teach only to flatter and impress rather than convict people of sin (2:5)
- Seek glory for yourself (2:6)
- Don’t ever be gentle. Beat people down with the truth (2:7).
- Be selfish. Be unwilling to give or yourself to others (2:8)
- Be inconsistent. Don’t practice what you preach (2:10)
- Only focus on the negative. Never commend anybody for doing a good job or what is right (2:11-13).
- Compromise. Don’t expect people to accept that the Bible really is the word of God (2:13).
- Only focus on the positive. Don’t ever show people that they must be willing to give things up and suffer for Christ (2:14).
- Never make applications. Rebuke sin in general terms without ever teaching against specific sins seen in a congregations (2 Th 3:11)
First and Second Thessalonians says do the opposite of these and the gospel will make a difference in lives!