Changing Our Minds

It’s interesting that the first thing both John the Baptist and Jesus preached was that it was time for people to change their minds because God’s kingdom was coming. Most translations read: “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” (Mt 3:1-2; 4:17), but that’s what it means: “Change your minds!”
We know what “change you minds” means because we’ve all changed our minds a lot. We thought something was right, but learned it was wrong. We decided to do something but for some reason changed that decision. We’re learning and growing, and life is constantly changing, so we change, and our thinking changes with it. The same should be true spiritually.
When it comes to spiritual things, it is tempting to only focus on changing our actions. The Scriptures do talk a lot about right and wrong actions. And John the Baptist did remind people to “…bear fruits worthy of repentance…” (Lk 3:8). But notice that the mind change (repentance) comes first and then the fruit. Not mind change without fruit (actions) and not fruit (actions) without mind change. Mind change causes change in actions, and change in actions shows that real mind change has occurred.
God’s Goodness. Romans 2:4 says “…the goodness of God leads you to repentance…” All that God has done, is doing, and will do for us has to be the biggest motivator for us to want to change our thinking to be like His. Study God’s holiness, goodness, mercy, grace, and forgiveness when struggling with mind changing.
Overcoming Sin. James reminds us that “…each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed…” (Ja 1:14-15). We sometimes try to force correct actions without changing our minds. Overcoming temptation and sin begins with having the mind of Christ (1 Co 2:16).
Forgiveness. Acts 2:8 and Acts 8:22 strongly connect mind changing (repentance) to forgiveness of sin for both non-Christians and Christians. When we wish we hadn’t done something and don’t want to bear all the consequences, changing our minds is the place to start.
From & To. Paul taught “…repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ac 20:21). We’re not to just turn away from or change our minds about sin – at the same time we turn our thinking toward God and Jesus. We displace wrong thinking with God, His will, and how that can fill our minds, hearts, actions, and lives.