Christ's Church (1)

Christ’s original intention for the church is often lost today in misunderstandings and misguided claims to be His church. These are not only wrong, but they also turn people off to what Christ intends to be something attractive, helpful, and uplifting. People even get turned off from Christ Himself because they don’t like what they see churches becoming which claim to follow Him.
Here are some things Jesus didn’t intend His church to be:
A building. The church is people (Ac 11:26; 13:1; 14:27).
Clergy run. Jesus is the head of his church – His word says what His church is to be and do, not church leaders or members (Ep 1:22; Co 1:18).
Corporate style organization. Although Jesus has authority over His church, it is set up more as a family with God as the Father, Jesus as an elder brother, and members as brothers and sisters (Ep 3:15; Mt 6:9; He 2:11-12; 1 Pe 1:22)
Money driven organization. Although early Christians gave to support Christians in need and support the spread of the gospel, the giving was always free-will, never promised prosperity, and not the focus of the gospel message (2 Co 9:7).
Politically driven organization. Jesus never took political sides. His people follow His law and the laws of their country as far as they can while faithfully serving Jesus. His church never backed leaders or political agendas (Ac 5:29; Mk 12:17).
Social reform and support organization. Social, political, financial, and justice reform on a physical level are not why Jesus came. He came to bring salvation from sin to mankind. However, following Jesus does bring many social, political, financial, and justice reforms to the lives of those who follow Him (Lk 19:10; 1 Ti 4:8).
Fear motivation. The consequences of sin are fearful, however, saving us from those negative consequences is the love message of the gospel of Jesus (Jn 3:16; 1 Th 1:10; Ro 5:9).
No one really believes. Christ’s church is those who have faith based on evidence in Scripture, and that faith motivates them to obey Him. Tradition, hypocrites, disobedience, inconsistencies cause people to question if faith is real (Ro 1:17).
Christ’s true church isn’t built on and doesn’t function on these. Next week: What is Christ’s church? dd