Christ's Church (2)

Last week we noted that Christ’s original intention for the church is often lost today in misunderstandings and misguided claims to be His church. But what was Christ’s original intention, and does that really matter?
Christ’s church. What Jesus Christ originally intended for His church matters because it’s His church – He built it (Mt 16:18); He bought it with His blood (Ac 20:28); and God made Him the head of the church (Ep 1:22-23; 4:14-16; Co 1:18). As builder (creator), purchaser, and the authority head of the church, Jesus has the right to tell His church what it is and what it must do.
Relationship with Christ. So, when we acknowledge Jesus Christ to be Head and King and Lord and Savior… there is a powerful authority message accompanying those titles. It is submission to Him in mind, heart, and action that makes someone part of His church. In fact, that’s what the church is – those who are added by God to the number of those saved by Christ (Ac 2:47). Some people want to be saved by Jesus, but not be part of His church – but the saved ARE His church! You can’t be saved and not be Christ’s group of saved people. And some people are willing to be part of Christ’s church as long as it does what they want and like. But Christ’s church wants and does what He wants, while the churches of men want and do what people want. Our faith, submissive, and obedient relationship with Christ not only brings us into relationship with Christ, but it also makes us part of His true church.
Relationship with other Christians. When people say they want to be saved but not be part of Christ’s church, what they usually actually mean is that they don’t want to be part of a religious organization or assemble and work with other Christians. However, that’s like saying, “I love Jesus, but I don’t love those He loves.” The problem often is that Christians aren’t perfect and that can be frustrating, even off-putting. And yet, Jesus built a church, a body of believers who He intended to work and worship together. It’s not because they can do what He can’t do – it’s not because He needs people – it’s because believers need believers. They find each other, assemble together, work and worship together to glorify God and to encourage and help others (He 10:23-25). Even though they aren’t always the same in maturity and ability, they make up parts of the functioning body of Christ (1 Co 12:12-27). Christians intentionally work toward oneness of faith and action because of their shared love for Jesus. It’s love for Jesus that causes Christians to love unlovable people like He loves us when we are unlovable.
Join yourself to Christ in faith and obedience and He will add you to His church. Find other believers and work together as His church to glorify God and help others do the same. dd