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Teaching Our Kids

Teaching Our Kids

Ways You Can Help

We are blessed with people who care enough about our young people and have developed the spiritual ability to teach them in our Bible classes. I probably don’t have to say how important their job is and what a benefit they provide tour young people, to God, and to His church.

If you are simply sending your child to Bible class with little or no thought before or after, then the greatest benefits will not be received. In fact, if your child is only getting Biblical instruction at our assembled Bible classes they are certainly not getting enough. There is no way less than two hours of Bible classes per week will teach everything your child needs to learn or address the constant new challenges your child faces. So here are some things you, as a parent (grandparent, neighbor, mentor, etc.) can do…

Have regular Bible studies with your children at home

Prepare your child with a good night’s sleep before Bible class

Make sure the child’s lesson is done if they have an assignment

Help the child see the importance of class by attending consistently and on time

Talk with the child about lesson topics before and after

Learn children’s Bible songs and sing with them at home, in the car, etc.

Talk frequently with your children about spiritual things and how they apply to our lives

Make sure your children see consistent application of God’s Word in your life

Talk to your child about their behavior in class – ask the teacher how they are doing

Thank the teachers of our children – offer to help them

Prepare yourself to be a teacher too, and volunteer!

Let’s make Bible study a normal part of our kids’ lives. Something we do at home and at church assemblies.   dd