The Old Law

A lot of questions that Christians are asked involve the Old Testament Law and Covenant. Questions like the use of instrumental music in worship, keeping the ten commandments, keeping the Sabbath, moral dietary restrictions, the priesthood, incense, sacrifices, etc. – all center on our understanding of the role of the Old Testament and Covenant. Here are some important things to remember:
The Law and Covenant were only giving to Physical Israel: De 4:13; 5:2-3; Ex 20:8-11; Ne 9:13-14.
It was a covenant, an agreement, that Israel entered into with God (De 9:7-12). The Law didn’t apply to non-Jews (Gentiles).
The Purpose of the Law: Ga 3:19; Ro 3:20; 7:7, 13; Ga 3:24-25.
God used the Law to point out sin and show the need for a Savior and grace. It therefore prepared mankind for Jesus Christ.
The Old Testament and Covenant were temporary: Ga 3:24-25; Col 2:17; He 10:1
After Christ came we are no longer under the Law which was just a shadow of what we have in Christ
The Old Law was not enough: He 7:19; 10:1
The Law pointed out sin, but didn’t bring full forgiveness – we need mercy and grace, not just the knowledge of sin.
The Old Law died with Christ: Co 2:14-17
We aren’t judged by whether we keep the Old Law because those were shadows, but the “substance” is of Christ. The Law died when Christ died, fulfilling the Law and initiating a New Law and Covenant.
Can’t pick and choose from the Law: Ga 5:3-4; Ja 2:10
Binding one part of a law means one must keep the WHOLE law. Keeping the Old Law excludes Christ’s sacrifice and grace. We fall from the grace that is in Christ if we try to be justified by the Law.
Next Week: Why do we study the Old Testament?